About Blue Pier

A Workplace Pension Plan for the 21st Century
Blue Pier™ is Canada’s first and only “pension platform as a service”. We make it possible for any employer, of any size, anywhere in Canada to offer a customized workplace pension plan for a lower cost and with less risk and work than any competing solution.
With Blue Pier, employers can offer a real workplace pension plan without the work, risk and cost of pension administration and without personal interaction. Pandemic risks have shuttered many businesses that rely on personal interaction. Longer term, COVID-19 will permanently change how business is done and accelerate secular trends toward outsourcing and virtual service delivery. Designated an essential service by the Ontario government, Blue Pier’s business model adapted to COVID-19 world. We can service clients without personal contact, anywhere in Canada, in less time and for a lower cost than most other providers. A workplace pension plan for the 21st Century, Blue Pier is the only solution of its kind in Canada’s $3.2 Trillion group retirement market.
Website: https://bluepier.org/
Business Lifecycle Stage: Growth and Establishment

See details on Five Stages of a Business Lifecycle