Webinar April 17, 2020
This is presented by Alan Wunsche on April 17, 2020 Webinar. You can find the presentation deck and Q&A in this post.
Presentation Deck
Q1: Why $250k as a limit?
The $250K limit is for the Crowdfunding Offering document, but Issuers can target higher raises with an Offering Memorandum document.
Q2: Do the investors have to be accredited?
No, investors don’t have to be accredited. Anyone can invest, from all retail investors through to Accredited investors. The platform performs investor suitability analysis and guides all investors through the investment process, which only takes a few minutes.
Q3: Can investors sell their shares and exit with liquid money ?
This will be possible in the future: https://about.tokenfunder.com/ontario-regulator-lets-security-token-startup-test-secondary-trading/
Q4: Do small business owners need to justify why they raise x amount of $?
Yes, a justification is always required. Investors need to know how their investment is going to be deployed and how much is required to execute on the business plan that is presented.
Q5: What is the difference between fundraising money using indiegogo? Or platforms like those?
When raising funds in indiegogo, you are typically selling a product. However, if you are not selling a product, then it’s not possible to raise money in indiegogo or kickstarter.
Q6: What percentage do tokenfunder keep per transaction?
Depending on your scenario, we charge as low as 1% of funds raised.
Q7: What kind of activities are not typically permitted to be qualified for raising money for? For example, employee salaries, IT investments, marketing, R&D?
Any reasonable expenses that for building the business.
Q8: Do we qualify if we have already raised $250k in seed equity plus shareholder loan on our books?
You could qualify for a larger offering.
Q9: what minimum an investor need to invest?
It depends on the offering.
Q10: Any limits for first time fund raising?
Q11: any base valuation for a venture to list?
This valuation an be an estimate from you based on a formula or can be completed professionally by consultant.
Q12: any minimum seed capital requirement before listing?
No, but there are some legal fees that your legal counsel will charge.
Q13: are non Canadian investors considered ?

Alan Wunsche
CEO & Co-Founder, TokenFunder & Blockchain Canada
Alan is CEO & Chief Token Officer of TokenFunder, and Chair & Co-Founder of Blockchain Canada. Alan is a finance technologist focused on new blockchain business models and the disruptive impacts of blockchain on global wealth distribution. He brings hands-on technology experience as a finance and risk transformation executive at a global bank (Scotiabank), management consulting (Deloitte, PwC), and startups.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanwunsche/
You can also chat online at tokenfunder.com or reach out to TokenFunder at info@tokenfunder.com
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