About Goji

GOJI is a social learning platform and international education community connecting tutors to students
Why We’re Doing It:
At home, we are on a mission to create 1M new jobs in North America within the next 5 years. As our business scales, so will this impact; by doing what the government will not do – and doubling minimum wage on a massive scale and providing new realistic job opportunities for millions of North Americans; in all corners of the region and without discrimination. Abroad, we are on a mission to empower communities around the world with access to quality education. In the wake of Covid-19, we are anticipating that many regions around the world will experience significant economic crises, and that the desire and need to learn English – among the estimated 200B current students globally – will increase, while the ability to afford it will decrease. We will be positively impacting these regions at scale by providing better teachers at a fraction of the cost.
What We’re Doing:
We are a consolidated tutoring platform, combining a tutor marketplace, with educational content, cross-border payments, and interactive teaching software — leveraging live-video to provide private, semi-private, and live-stream tutoring sessions via virtual classrooms. We also provide a B2B SaaS product, helping academic institutions and businesses digitize their programs and courses.
Our Educational Philosophy:
We harness social learning to enhance fluency
Website: https://www.gojinet.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gojinet